
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Online Writing Groups

Well the time has come. Those of us in Dave Farland's class that will be attending the For Young Readers Conference in June have formulated an online writer's group and I'm thoroughly excited. This will be the first time that someone from out of state will begin reading chapter one of THE DECODER. This is a first for me and I can't wait to get some more feedback. I've given many family and friends my manuscript for feedback, I've even given it to many of my Jr. High students. Most have given me great feedback and have loved the book. I do have to be truthful and say that I did have one former student that started but couldn't finish it because she thought it was too slow in the beginning. I'm okay with that, and maybe she couldn't relate to the characters themselves, but what I have to believe in is the story itself. It's also very helpful to not take it personally. I hope to have many many people read my books. If some of them are going to put them down because of that reason alone, hey what can I say. I'll keep on writing and coming up with different ideas and stories and characters and just keep on writing. I'm enjoying this. Can you tell? This is going to be good.